
Fun Projects for your LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT!

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Claw Crane

Building Instructions

Programming Instructions

The remote control program allows you to drive the crane and operate the arm and claw with convenient preset positions.

This autonomous program shows some basic autonomous techniques in action, including driving a set distance using the motor rotation sensors, turning a specific amount using the gyro sensor, and approaching a set distance to an object using the distance sensor.

The setup for the autonomous program should be as shown below. The ball, robot, and high basket should be all aligned, with the robot in the middle facing the ball (put the ball on the floor in the low hoop holder). The distance to the ball should be 50 cm from the center of the robot's wheels to the center of the ball. The distance from the robot to the basket doesn't matter (within a reasonable range), because it will be measured with the distance sensor.


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